September 13, 2010

Note to self: Shopping should never bring you heartache.

For the last few weeks, I have been on the look out (the girls I work with would say I was on the prowl) for the perfect pair of high-waisted pants, preferably khaki in colour and white denim cut-offs, to add to my Spring/Summer wardrobe. However, I feel as if I am not being rewarded for my efforts. The harder I look, the more tiresome and time consuming the quest becomes and no one should ever, ever feel like that when searching for new additions to add to their wardrobe. Which makes me then wonder, if this is the reason designers pick up those scissors and measuring tapes in the first place? Because they are all too frustrated with not being able to find the right shape, colour or size? Whether or not this is the case, I still envy their creative and constructive talents with every fibre in my body! What I would give to make my perfect pair of pants!!
As Fashion Week in both New York and London begin, fingers crossed I am given copious amounts of gorgeous pants to marvel at... for the sake of my sanity at least.

Love w&k

Images by Scott Schuman, The Sartorialist

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